How does Solar PV work?
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) energy is the most promising and popular form of solar energy. It works by converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is made of photons which are small particles of energy. These photons are absorbed by and pass through the material of a solar cell or solar photovoltaic panel. The photons agitate the electrons found in the material of the photovoltaic cell. As they begin to move (or are dislodged), they are routed into a current. This is electricity – the movement of electrons along a path. These electrons are then conducted through a wire to the grid.
Benefits of Solar PV
• Installation period is faster than other traditional or renewable energy plants;
• Most efficient at peak times of day for energy usage;
• Clean, quiet and visually unobtrusive;
• Solar energy farms do not produce any pollution or emissions;
• Local and national CO2 production is reduced;
• Creates clean, renewable energy that will sustain and support the health of future generations;
• Supports national energy independence;
• The construction phase will result in job creation and increased expenditure in local shops, restaurants/cafes and hotels;
• The maintenance of the site will generate further opportunities for employment.
Our objective is always to mitigate any potential impacts on wildlife and habitats. PV developments encourage biodiversity as they are tranquil, largely undisturbed sites that do not require heavy machinery or intensive farming for maintenance over the 40-year lifetime of the development. Existing hedgerows and vegetation are retained, and additional site-specific measures will be included in a Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) for the site. These measures combined enable local flora & fauna to flourish in the surrounding area thus increasing biodiversity.
Use of Agricultural Land
The proposed site is located within agricultural farmland and is predominantly used for livestock grazing. Following an Agricultural Land Classification, the Site was classified as mostly Grade 3b land and is therefore not within the best and most versatile classification for agriculture.
Welsh Government Targets
The Welsh Government (WG) has formally committed Wales to legally binding targets to deliver the goal of net-zero emissions, with the Climate Change Committee recommending the following targets that the Proposed Development will contribute to:
National Grid Future Energy Scenarios (July 2021)
For electricity supply, in all scenarios, there are significant increases in renewable energy generation. The key messages of the FES report, with regards to the Proposed Development, include:
Welsh Government Commitment to Net Zero by 2050
On 9 February 2021, the WG set out its legal commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
UK Government Commitment to Net Zero by 2050
On 27 June 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. The target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050, compared with the previous target set within the Climate Change Act (2008) of at least an 80% reduction of emissions by 2050 (against the 1990 baseline). In support of this target, the Energy White Paper: Powering our Net Zero Future (DBEIS, 2020a) was published, setting out the pathway to achieving net zero through greater reliance on solar and wind energy.
Net Zero 2050 – A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector (International Energy Agency (IEA), 2021) outlines the essential conditions for the global energy sector to reach net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050. The Roadmap calls for scaling up solar and wind technologies during the 2020s, reaching up to 630GW of solar and 390GW of wind by 2030, four times the set record levels in 2020.
Public Consultation Process
Engaging with our host communities will be vital to the success of this carbon-saving facility. We would like to hear your views on the proposal and how it might benefit not only the wider environment but its immediate surroundings.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey provided on this website. This will help us understand your views on renewable energy and will give you a chance to suggest how the development can best be made to work for the good of the community.
How long will this consultation take place for?
This consultation will run for six weeks. Following this, we will review all comments and make any amendments deemed necessary before the application is formally submitted. Once the application has been submitted, there will be a further opportunity to comment on the scheme.
Who do I contact for more information?
You can get in touch with our project development team to request further information.
Contact details can be found here.
Site Location
The site is located to the south of Maesmawr Farm, either side of Maesmawr Road between Church Village and Treforest Industrial Estate, to the west is the main railway line linking Cardiff and the Valleys. To the west lies the A473. The site is on agricultural lands and is within the administrative boundary of Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council.
Size of the Site
The developable area including cable route is 37.2 ha/ 92 acres with areas of landscaping and enhancement have been designed in.
Temporary Development
Planning permission is being sought for the development with an operational period of 40 years.
Site Access
The site will be accessed for construction from off Maesmawr Road which connects to Pound Farm Lane linking directly to the A473 which in turn connects to the A470 at Upperboat and onto the M4. Access to the Site will be via an existing agricultural field access point off the B1113.
Construction Period, Construction & Operational Traffic
The construction period is estimated to last approximately six months (26 weeks), with deliveries fluctuating within this period. It is envisaged that the majority of movements would be Monday to Friday with only a limited number of movements on a Saturday. Deliveries will vary in amount per day during the construction period with an average of 6-8 deliveries (6-8 inbound plus 6-8 outbound movements) per day over the construction period.
Decommissioning the site
At the end of the proposed 40-year operational period, the solar farm and its ancillary equipment will be decommissioned, dismantled and removed and the site fully reinstated to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.
It is estimated that decommissioning of the proposed Maesmawr Solar Farm will take approximately 4 months to complete. Subject to best practice at the time, it is anticipated that decommissioning will involve:
• disconnecting and removal of all wiring, cables and electrical interconnections;
• dismantling and removal of the solar panels;
• removal of the Battery Storage infrastructure;
• dismantling and removal of mounting frames, including extraction of in ground support structures;
• demolition and removal of central inverter stations or mini-inverters;
• removal of fences and gates; and
• reinstatement of land affected in accordance with best practice.
• where possible, all of the proposed Maesmawr Solar Farm components will be removed and reused or recycled. Where this is not possible, any waste generated during decommissioning will be removed and transported by a certified and licensed contractor.
Generating Capacity & CO2 Savings
The Solar Park would have a capacity up to 26MW, enough low carbon electricity to power 7100 homes in Rhonda Cynon Taf every year.
What equipment will be used on site?
The following components are proposed for this solar farm:
Solar Panels
The proposed solar farm will be made up, principally, of dark blue or black solar panels. Each panel is approximately 2.4 x 1.3m. The solar panels will be arranged in a series of rows up to a height of 3.2m at the highest point and tilted southwards at an angle of, typically, 10 – 25 degrees from horizontal.
Inverters are required to convert the direct current generated by the photovoltaic modules to grid compatible alternating current (AC). The inverters are typically 7 m long x 2.5 m wide x 3 m high with a concrete base. To see photos of inverters, please visit the photos section.
Grid Connection
The proposed solar farm will require a Distribution and client-side substation to connect to the distribution network via a transformer. The proposed solar farm will require a cable easement to connect to the substation which is located just to the northeast of the Site within the Treforest Industrial Estate.
Access Track
A 3.5 m wide permeable access track will be installed to provide access to the inverters and the substation compound.
A 2.4m timber post and wire deer proof fence will be erected around the site for health, safety and insurance purposes. Matching gates will be provided at key access points at the site.
A series of CCTV cameras will be installed throughout the site. The CCTV arrangements are based on infrared technology so no lighting will be required at night-time.
Each inverter station will contain a small fan that is similar to a domestic bathroom fan in both size & rating, these would be away for sensitive noise receptors and the project will be complaint with the noise limits set by the Council.
No greenhouse gas emissions will be emitted by the development.
A footpaths RH:DRE/47/3 and RH:DRE/47/2 run through the centre of the western portion of the site south to north. These footpaths will be incorporated in the design of the Development so that the rights of way are retained. A further footpath RH:DRE/50b/2 also cross the site from Maesmawr road this will also be incorporated into the design however the footpath leads into footpath RH:DRE/50b/1 which as a result of the design will need to be diverted along the existing hedgerow rather than cross the field which is what it currently does. A number of other public rights of way traverse the perimeter of the site. A full landscape appraisal will form part of the planning application. Appropriate boundary planting, together with the retention and protection of existing hedgerows would soften the boundaries of the site to assist the projects integration into the landscape. Trees will be retained as part of the development where possible.
Is there an increased risk of flooding around solar farm sites?
There is no significant increase in surface water runoff and therefore risk of flooding as little impermeable hard surfacing is required, the majority of the solar farm remains open grassland and watercourses and features are not altered in any way. The solar farm infrastructure does not affect runoff volumes, with the use of driplines along the face of panels evenly dispersing surface water across the underlying grounds. In addition, the panels are raised on a pre-fabricated framework on screw-driven legs, so only approximately 5% of the ground surface is utilised.
How does Solar PV work?
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) energy is the most promising and popular form of solar energy. It works by converting sunlight into electricity. Sunlight is made of photons which are small particles of energy. These photons are absorbed by and pass through the material of a solar cell or solar photovoltaic panel. The photons agitate the electrons found in the material of the photovoltaic cell. As they begin to move (or are dislodged), they are routed into a current. This is electricity – the movement of electrons along a path. These electrons are then conducted through a wire to the grid.
Benefits of Solar PV
• Installation period is faster than other traditional or renewable energy plants;
• Most efficient at peak times of day for energy usage;
• Clean, quiet and visually unobtrusive;
• Solar energy farms do not produce any pollution or emissions;
• Local and national CO2 production is reduced;
• Creates clean, renewable energy that will sustain and support the health of future generations;
• Supports national energy independence;
• The construction phase will result in job creation and increased expenditure in local shops, restaurants/cafes and hotels;
• The maintenance of the site will generate further opportunities for employment.
Our objective is always to mitigate any potential impacts on wildlife and habitats. PV developments encourage biodiversity as they are tranquil, largely undisturbed sites that do not require heavy machinery or intensive farming for maintenance over the 40-year lifetime of the development. Existing hedgerows and vegetation are retained, and additional site-specific measures will be included in a Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) for the site. These measures combined enable local flora & fauna to flourish in the surrounding area thus increasing biodiversity.
Use of Agricultural Land
The proposed site is located within agricultural farmland and is predominantly used for livestock grazing. Following an Agricultural Land Classification, the Site was classified as mostly Grade 3b land and is therefore not within the best and most versatile classification for agriculture.
Welsh Government Targets
The Welsh Government (WG) has formally committed Wales to legally binding targets to deliver the goal of net-zero emissions, with the Climate Change Committee recommending the following targets that the Proposed Development will contribute to:
National Grid Future Energy Scenarios (July 2021)
For electricity supply, in all scenarios, there are significant increases in renewable energy generation. The key messages of the FES report, with regards to the Proposed Development, include:
Welsh Government Commitment to Net Zero by 2050
On 9 February 2021, the WG set out its legal commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
UK Government Commitment to Net Zero by 2050
On 27 June 2019, the UK became the first major economy in the world to pass laws to end its contribution to global warming by 2050. The target will require the UK to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to ‘net zero’ by 2050, compared with the previous target set within the Climate Change Act (2008) of at least an 80% reduction of emissions by 2050 (against the 1990 baseline). In support of this target, the Energy White Paper: Powering our Net Zero Future (DBEIS, 2020a) was published, setting out the pathway to achieving net zero through greater reliance on solar and wind energy.
Net Zero 2050 – A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector (International Energy Agency (IEA), 2021) outlines the essential conditions for the global energy sector to reach net-zero carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2050. The Roadmap calls for scaling up solar and wind technologies during the 2020s, reaching up to 630GW of solar and 390GW of wind by 2030, four times the set record levels in 2020.
Public Consultation Process
Engaging with our host communities will be vital to the success of this carbon-saving facility. We would like to hear your views on the proposal and how it might benefit not only the wider environment but its immediate surroundings.
We would like to invite you to complete the survey provided on this website. This will help us understand your views on renewable energy and will give you a chance to suggest how the development can best be made to work for the good of the community.
How long will this consultation take place for?
This consultation will run for six weeks. Following this, we will review all comments and make any amendments deemed necessary before the application is formally submitted. Once the application has been submitted, there will be a further opportunity to comment on the scheme.
Who do I contact for more information?
You can get in touch with our project development team to request further information.
Contact details can be found here.
Site Location
The site is located to the south of Maesmawr Farm, either side of Maesmawr Road between Church Village and Treforest Industrial Estate, to the west is the main railway line linking Cardiff and the Valleys. To the west lies the A473. The site is on agricultural lands and is within the administrative boundary of Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council.
Size of the Site
The developable area including cable route is 37.2 ha/ 92 acres with areas of landscaping and enhancement have been designed in.
Temporary Development
Planning permission is being sought for the development with an operational period of 40 years.
Site Access
The site will be accessed for construction from off Maesmawr Road which connects to Pound Farm Lane linking directly to the A473 which in turn connects to the A470 at Upperboat and onto the M4. Access to the Site will be via an existing agricultural field access point off the B1113.
Construction Period, Construction & Operational Traffic
The construction period is estimated to last approximately six months (26 weeks), with deliveries fluctuating within this period. It is envisaged that the majority of movements would be Monday to Friday with only a limited number of movements on a Saturday. Deliveries will vary in amount per day during the construction period with an average of 6-8 deliveries (6-8 inbound plus 6-8 outbound movements) per day over the construction period.
Decommissioning the site
At the end of the proposed 40-year operational period, the solar farm and its ancillary equipment will be decommissioned, dismantled and removed and the site fully reinstated to the satisfaction of the local planning authority.
It is estimated that decommissioning of the proposed Maesmawr Solar Farm will take approximately 4 months to complete. Subject to best practice at the time, it is anticipated that decommissioning will involve:
• disconnecting and removal of all wiring, cables and electrical interconnections;
• dismantling and removal of the solar panels;
• removal of the Battery Storage infrastructure;
• dismantling and removal of mounting frames, including extraction of in ground support structures;
• demolition and removal of central inverter stations or mini-inverters;
• removal of fences and gates; and
• reinstatement of land affected in accordance with best practice.
• where possible, all of the proposed Maesmawr Solar Farm components will be removed and reused or recycled. Where this is not possible, any waste generated during decommissioning will be removed and transported by a certified and licensed contractor.
Generating Capacity & CO2 Savings
The Solar Park would have a capacity up to 26MW, enough low carbon electricity to power 7100 homes in Rhonda Cynon Taf every year.
What equipment will be used on site?
The following components are proposed for this solar farm:
Solar Panels
The proposed solar farm will be made up, principally, of dark blue or black solar panels. Each panel is approximately 2.4 x 1.3m. The solar panels will be arranged in a series of rows up to a height of 3.2m at the highest point and tilted southwards at an angle of, typically, 10 – 25 degrees from horizontal.
Inverters are required to convert the direct current generated by the photovoltaic modules to grid compatible alternating current (AC). The inverters are typically 7 m long x 2.5 m wide x 3 m high with a concrete base. To see photos of inverters, please visit the photos section.
Grid Connection
The proposed solar farm will require a Distribution and client-side substation to connect to the distribution network via a transformer. The proposed solar farm will require a cable easement to connect to the substation which is located just to the northeast of the Site within the Treforest Industrial Estate.
Access Track
A 3.5 m wide permeable access track will be installed to provide access to the inverters and the substation compound.
A 2.4m timber post and wire deer proof fence will be erected around the site for health, safety and insurance purposes. Matching gates will be provided at key access points at the site.
A series of CCTV cameras will be installed throughout the site. The CCTV arrangements are based on infrared technology so no lighting will be required at night-time.
Each inverter station will contain a small fan that is similar to a domestic bathroom fan in both size & rating, these would be away for sensitive noise receptors and the project will be complaint with the noise limits set by the Council.
No greenhouse gas emissions will be emitted by the development.
A footpaths RH:DRE/47/3 and RH:DRE/47/2 run through the centre of the western portion of the site south to north. These footpaths will be incorporated in the design of the Development so that the rights of way are retained. A further footpath RH:DRE/50b/2 also cross the site from Maesmawr road this will also be incorporated into the design however the footpath leads into footpath RH:DRE/50b/1 which as a result of the design will need to be diverted along the existing hedgerow rather than cross the field which is what it currently does. A number of other public rights of way traverse the perimeter of the site. A full landscape appraisal will form part of the planning application. Appropriate boundary planting, together with the retention and protection of existing hedgerows would soften the boundaries of the site to assist the projects integration into the landscape. Trees will be retained as part of the development where possible.
Is there an increased risk of flooding around solar farm sites?
There is no significant increase in surface water runoff and therefore risk of flooding as little impermeable hard surfacing is required, the majority of the solar farm remains open grassland and watercourses and features are not altered in any way. The solar farm infrastructure does not affect runoff volumes, with the use of driplines along the face of panels evenly dispersing surface water across the underlying grounds. In addition, the panels are raised on a pre-fabricated framework on screw-driven legs, so only approximately 5% of the ground surface is utilised.